Monday, April 27, 2009

Carry It Forward:Hamlet

A common idea that reoccurs in our class discussions of Hamlet is the changing of ones' personality. Because Hamlet is part of a monarchy and is in a high position, he must act normally. People's perception of him must always be that he is strong mentally and in control of himself. This keeps the monarch looking strong and stable. When Hamlet is by himself, he goes on these rants of how horrible his situation is and woes for his father. He lets the hatred for his uncle show and a manipulative side is shown. But in the presence of his uncle, he must act civilly and show manners. The predicament he is in seems to be really frustrating and confusing. I can sort of relate to how he feels, when I am in the presence of my friends' parents I have to act differently. The context of my conversatoins and the words and subjects that I should veer away from. I act a lot differently when I switch from situation to situation. I do not know if it is a bad thing that I have to change my personality so drastically when adults are around. It may be a sign that I should control my tounge a little big better and not let foul language escape from my mouth so often.

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